Feb 6, 2011

Finding time for it all...

I was just introduced to this awesome blog site, thanks to my amazing mother-in-law, love you! Here's the link: http://thepioneerwoman.com I've been reading and perusing it all afternoon... it's so addicting! Someday I hope my site could be as cool. Looks like I need to add pictures. Time for a digital camera! Ya, I'm a little behind the times - I guess just letting go of our 35 mm camera is somewhat of an emotional process. I took a black and white photography class in college and absolutely LOVED developing my own film... but I digress.

This woman has some awesome recipes and is quite funny to read. She's also a photographer and has written some books. And home-schools her 4 kids. Neat! Anyhow, I'm going to be busy in the kitchen trying out some of those recipes.

I wonder though, how she finds time to do all the things she writes about as well as keep the blog up to date and teach the kids and cook... okay run on sentence. Probably because her kids aren't toddlers. Oh, well maybe I'll get there someday. Maybe. At least my kids and husband are fed and loved. - that's what counts.