Dec 20, 2009

January Freebie's

Jan 9th is Winter Trails day - newcomers to snowshoeing or cross-country skiing can try them for free. for locations.

Sep 29, 2009

Take a Walk

With gas prices the way they are these days you never know if they are up or down. Either way if you walk more you'll save money and get fit in the process. I've just recently started walking to the Post Office to get my mail everyday (Those of us who live in rural areas don't have mail boxes right out front of our house!) Luckily the Bank and grocery store are both close to the Post Office for me so I'll walk to those and get errands run if the need arises.
If you are like me and can't afford a gym membership or get one an never use it, then investing in a good pair of walking shoes and walking everywhere could be right for you. If time permits I'll take "the long way" to the Post Office. I like to walk along the town walking path or just a few extra blocks on my way.
What about rain, snow, heat, children... well, get a rain coat, get a thick coat, walk early in the morning and use a stroller!
Well, what are you waiting for? Go out there and get walking!

Sep 23, 2009

TV, Movies, Music...

I hate it when I miss an episode of my favorite TV show! Luckily keeps at least 5 episodes at a time online for you to view for FREE! We don't even subscribe to TV anymore.
Check out for TV and movies

I love to check out funny clips and watch upcoming movie trailers ... I also have a growing playlist of music that I'll listen to while I'm on the computer. Just open up your playlist on another tab.
and for movie trailers, music and more

Sep 20, 2009

Best Time To Buy in August


--Patio furniture: You'll still have a couple of months of nice weather to enjoy your purchase. Retailers usually start marking down pieces around July 4 with discounts of up to 50 percent in August.

--Outdoor toys: Look for discounts of 30 percent to 75 percent on swimming gear, swing sets, beach toys and other items for outdoor fun.

--School and office supplies: Back-to-school time is when retailers offer some of the year's lowest prices on pens, pencils, paper and notebooks, as well as staplers, printer paper, file folders and other home-office necessities.

--Swimwear: It's also a great time to buy swimwear -- as retailers replace bikinis with coats.,0,4854549.story

Best Time To Buy a car


Buying a
car is a HUGE investment (at least it is for me) here is an article I found about the best time to buy and other helpful info.:

Best Time To Buy airline tickets


Buy your airline tickets just after midnight on Tuesdays as Airlines raise prices for weekend. That is... if you can say up that late. ;)

2 Ice Cream Freebies

I got this one thanks to "Awesome deals, coupons and more"
on Facebook:

Head to any participating Carvel Ice Cream store next
Thursday (9/24)
for Customer Appreciate Day. Stop by
between 3-7 p.m. for a FREE
Oreo Lil’ Rounder. You
can also get a $3/1 printable coupon here
good toward
an 18-pack of Oreo Lil’ Rounders. Yummy! Thanks, Scoring

Then, head on over to Cold Stone Creamery on Thursday
(9/24) as well
between 5-8 p.m. for the 8th annual World’s
Largest Ice Cream Social.
Make a donation (no minimum)
and receive a FREE 3 oz Sundae. This year
it’s called
“Jack’s Creation” and is ice cream mixed with brownies and

rainbow sprinkles and topped with caramel!;

Sep 19, 2009

Baby Food

Why buy store bought baby food and pay for all that water when you can make your own? Besides the baby food at the store doesn't really taste like the real thing and it stinks! I want my kids to like the real thing. Why have them get used to something that tastes different from the real thing?
I will either buy a can of vegis and wash them then mash them up or I'll cook up fresh ones. It doesnt really take that much time to prepare and you can prepare a whole can in advance - which will last you a few feedings. Big savings!!

Best Time To Buy Jeans


The best time to buy Jeans is October... the back to school rush is over and they've all gone on sale - could get them for 50% off!!!

Sep 4, 2009

White Chili w/ Chicken

This is such an easy and tasty recipe... its won several chili cook-offs as well.

2 cans Cream of Chicken
2-3 cans Great Northern Beans
2 cans Chicken
1-2 (4oz) cans green chilies
1 can chicken broth
1 Cup mozzarella

Mix all together, heat, enjoy! You can add more or less of whatever you like.

Topping ideas:
sour cream or plain yogurt

Pizza Dough

Who doesn't love Pizza!?! One great way to enjoy it and to have it just the way you like it is to make it yourself. Make extra and freeze some for later!

2 1/2C flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2-2 tsp yeast (as little or much yeast you want - some prefer it yeasty)
3/4 C warm water
3T olive oil
1T honey
Optional:Sprinkle pizza seasoning, or some of your favorite herb into the dough (looks pretty)

Corn meal for dusting

Pizza Sauce - you could use spaghetti sauce but I don't think it tastes the same.

Your favorite toppings.

-Heat oven to HOT like 500
-Mix all ingredients and kneed for 5 mins.
-Let rise til doubled in size
-Roll out dough in as big or as little pizzas you want - whatever shape... I use cookie sheets so mine are always rectangles.
-Roll out thin and poke all over with fork (helps prevent big bubbles)
-dust pans with cornmeal for nice crunchy bottom
-Spray dough with nonstick spray (helps to prevent soggy dough)
-Briefly cook each rolled out dough for 5-8 minutes
-Spread sauce and load with toppings
Bake 475 for 15-30 mins.

Topping ideas:
Steak chunks
Artichoke hearts
Zucchini slices (thin)

Have fun and don't be afraid to experiment!!!

Honey Whole Wheat

3C Whole Wheat Flour
1/3C honey
1/4C shortening
1T salt
4 1/2 tsp. dry yeast
2 1/4C very warm water
3-4 cups all purpose or bread flour

Mix the Wheat, honey, shortening, salt and yeast. Add water. Beat low 1 minute, beat medium 1 minute - scrape sides frequently. Stir in white flour, one cup at a time, only until easy to handle - still sticky. Place on floured surface and kneed for 10 minutes. Let rise in large greased bowl, covered, for about an hour (doubled in size). Grease 2 loaf pans and divide dough into two portions. Flatten each into about 18x9 rectangle and tightly roll up. Fold ends under and place seam side down in pan. Cover and let raise about 30 mins or until dough is at least an inch over the edge of pan.
Bake on bottom rack at 375 for about 40-45 minutes. When done, turn out imediately onto cooling racks.

I have one of those large mixers (industrial style) LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Cuts out a lot of the work for you when you bake.
I live in Wyoming and its either my oven or the elevation but my bread cooks in about 25-30 minutes. I also like to use a non stick spray just before kneading... spray directly onto the counter top and your hands if you'd like - makes kneading easier.

Aug 30, 2009

National Bowling Day?!?

You like bowling? Have you ever heard of National Bowling Day? Check out this site for more details:

Free stuff for kids

Free stuff for your kids:

Have a Staycation

Have you heard of a "Staycation?" it's instead of a Vacation! Saves you time and gas money since you aren't traveling very far from home. Become a tourist of the area you live in. Go to the museum on the free day - most museums do. Go to the park. Go see a dollar movie. Check out the "old town" or shopping strip and take "the tour" if there is one.
Go camping! Its about as free as you can get - especially if don't go to established "camping grounds". Heck, camp in your back yard - the kids will love it.

Aug 28, 2009

Cook from scratch

I love to cook as many meals as I can from scratch. I try to always make my own bread, tortillas, dinner rolls... I make chicken pot pie, enchiladas, pizza, lasagna ...
I feel that when I make my family meals from scratch that they are getting more wholesome foods, less preservatives/sugars, and we are saving money by not buying prepackaged foods all the time.

I also try and cook/bake with whole wheat, whole grains and lots of vegetables - you can add more nutrients to your meals by putting fresh vegetables in a canned soup, blend them up and mix them into your spaghetti sauce or meatloaf... these are also great ways to get finicky eater to eat their vegis!

I make double batches of bread dough or pizza dough. I divide the dough into the correct portions and I freeze some of them so I don't have to mix up more the next time.

The next posting I'll add some dough recipes for all you bread lovers!


I love to make lists. I don't think I could survive without my lists. They help me keep track of what I'm doing, what I've done, where I have to go, what I need to get, what I need to bring... You get the point.
I think that making lists helps me to stay on track; without my lists I wouldn't be nearly as organized as I am.
When I make grocery lists I try to write items down - by aisle or by what they are (which turns out to be pretty much the same list)
I will give you a few sample lists of my own... feel free to copy and paste so you can print them out.

When packing for over night or extended time I write the number of days I'll be gone on the top of the page so I remember to bring the correct number of clothing etc. Feel free to add to the list or take away from it.

under clothing
dress clothing
-long sleeve
-short sleeve

hair products
feminine prod.
body wash/bar of soap
hair accessories

diaper bag:
diapers - I often don't bring more than I need to get me there then I'll buy once I arrive
rash cream
formula - course if you breast feed, it'll save you space and money!
change of clothing
burp rags
snacks - good ol' stand by - cheerios
baby toiletries

(film if 35mm)
extra money
cell phone
video camera
directions (map)
tickets (plane, train...)

Aug 27, 2009

Cleaning Time Savers

Here are some lists of things you can do each day to save time cleaning the various rooms in your house.

Family Reunion?

Check out this site for great tips on planning a family reunion:

Large family? Try sharing the responsibility of planning the event by having a different family member plan it each year. This works well especially if your family is spread out and live in different States.

Talent Swap

Do you know how to play the piano? Are you a really good swimmer or a great artist? Try swapping talents by teaching a friends kids while they teach yours. This is a good way to get your kids lessons for "free".
Don't have kids? Take the lessons yourself!

Aug 26, 2009

Your own recipe book

Do you have 10,000 cookbooks and are forever searching for that elusive recipe that you "know is in one of them"? I don't like searching for things. I bought a binder (2 or 2 1/2 inch) and plastic sheet protectors. I also found a recipe printout that I liked. I copied down all my favorites and put them into the plastic sheets (in groupings, like: chicken recipes, beef, pork, beans, breads, desserts etc.) Now, all my favorites are all together, within reach. Also, if I find a new recipe that we love its easy to add.

UPDATE: I've discovered that planing my meals is WAY easier if I planned them around the basic filler foods: Beans, Potatoes, Pasta, Rice and Whole grains. So I re-organized my homemade recipe book into these categories... of course I have one labeled desserts as well...
Now as I plan out my meals for the month, I just assign a filler food to a day of the week: Monday is Bean day - I can put the beans in water right after church on Sunday and leave them to soak all night. Tuesday is rice day - mostly because beans and rice go really well together. Put them in whatever order you prefer. Saturdays are leftover days (anything that doesn't get eaten gets tossed - makes it easy to know just how long that tuna noodle casserole has been in the fridge - since you know what day you made it) Also, Sundays are easy to make days, soup: salad, sandwiches etc.

Trimming Babies nails

I find it easiest to sit baby on my lap and trip his nails with his hands pointing away from me ... this way I don't clip or pinch his fingers. Alternately, you could trim his nails while nursing or while he's asleep... these options work well since baby doesn't move as much.

Family Home Evening

A great idea for Family Home Evening (F.H.E.) that I found in "The Friend" magazine - for anyone who doesn't subscribe - is to get three jars.

Jar one: put names of favorite children primary songs.
Jar two: put favorite scripture stories
Jar three: Put children games

Each time you hold F.H.E. just pull out a slip of paper from each jar and you're all set!

Facebook Users!

There is an application you can get called "Awesome deals, coupons and more". Sign up today.

Cook Once a Month!

I've discovered that trying to think of something new and exciting to cook for my family each night is a CHORE! So, I cook once maybe twice a month. What!? Is that possible? Yes.

Day One

~Start by making a list of all the meals you enjoy.
~Then make a list of the ingredients you need for each meal.
Unless you want to learn and add new recipes to your list you'll only have to do day one once.

Day Two
~Go shopping! This may be a hard thing for some of you who are used to shopping weekly or daily but you'll be buying in bulk - don't be suprised if your total is $300 or more but believe me you'll actually be saving money. Places that sell in bulk like Costo or Sams Club may offer you the best deals. And remember your coupons! Look for sales!

Day Three

~Cook all your meals. This works best on a Saturday for me, or a day when you can enlist the help of family or friends. Heck, make a cooking party of it and your friends can all take home meals as well.
I've also, when in a crunch for time, cooked all beef meals one day, all chicken meals another day etc. By buying in bulk and larger cans (like tomato sauce) you can put together many meals at once.
~Freeze your meals. Gallon size zip-lock bags work great and stack nicely in the freezer. Just remember to let them cool a little first and don't stack too high until they are frozen. Label what they are and be sure to put the date on them.

~For chicken meals I like to buy 3-4 whole chickens and boil or broil them then shred the chicken - you can use one of those for dinner the night you do all this cooking (you wont want to cook another meal after cooking all afternoon.)
~Prepare all raw meat meals (meat loaf) with seasonings before freezing.
~Weigh out your ground meat into 4oz. per person (example I have 4 people in my family so I weigh out 16oz) then cook them and freeze. Use for meals like spaghetti. A kitchen scale is a must! I love mine.
~Put a roast in your crock-pot.
~You can freeze rice and pasta - just don't cook it all the way beforehand.


I've created this site for anyone, like myself, who loves to be organized, save time and money and swap great ideas. A one stop place for it all. Feel free to ask/answer questions and leave advice for anyone visiting the site or for the site itself.